The weekend of the 1/2 September saw the annual trek to Cosby for the popular Victory Show. After last year's debacle with the flying display, this year was near perfect with formations of WWII fighters a parachute drop from a C-47 and great weather.
The question of the display line and overflying the golf course and housing etc. had been eloquently resolved with a curved display line rough from the north western end of the field to the southern and south western end. This made for better lighting for photography when the sun was in south east and east.
Here is a selection of pictures that shows the variety of WWII aircraft took part, some seen before, others their first appearance. The most surprising appearance was not an aircraft but a person flying an aircraft. Maurice Hammond who had a crash in his P-51D Mustang Janie made his first flight away from home (Hardwick) after his recovery. He has already sold P-51D Marinell prior to his accident so he arrived in the next best thing, his Harvard "Fools Rush In".
Maybe a RAG event/awayday/roadtrip in 2019?