The aircraft at Bruntingthorpe are known to most so the photographs below need no captions and speak for themselves.
Where necessary there is an odd comment.
Phil Cartwright's F-4F cockpit together with his new project, the ex-Luftwaffe F-86 Sabre. The front section now resides behind the Cherry Tree public house so he can work on it without having to drive to Bruntingthorpe.
The Tristars are still there and now belong to C. Walton & Co since the rent owed is greater than the value of the aircraft and their buyers having gone out of business.
Dave Walton's bendy bus service to halfway up the runway was very popular with the visiting crowd. He was later spotted towing aircraft back to their resting positions and emptying rubbish bins. He truly is a man of many talents, but it due to him that these events take place and the aviation community of Bruntingthorpe exists.
It is a hard job, but someone has to collect the Victor's large and heavy parachute after the aircraft's captain has discarded it.
The BBMF Hurricane came in place of the Lancaster, which at the time was having an engine replaced. The Jet Provost was totally unannounced and unplanned, making a single pass along the runway at about 300 feet.
The Gnats Display Team yellow Gnat G-MOUR was a planned display item and he made as many passes as he could given his limited fuel available. The aircraft had started from North Weald, then displayed at Little Gransden and then came to Bruntingthorpe before heading home again.
Thanks to Ray Ball and a (Green Flag) yellow visivest I could be at the intersection halfway up the runway giving excellent and unobstructed views straight down the runway.
Another great day out and not a modern aircraft in sight, other than airliners flying high over the Leicestershire countryside.
Theo Claassen
12 September 2016
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